• We're having a special Congregational Meeting 8/11 immediately after worship, to vote on roof repairs.  As you are likely aware, we recently had a "Boost the Building Fund" campaign to prepare for some larger repairs we need to make to our building (thank you to those of you who gave generously, making our current needed repairs financially possible!).  Our property team has been meeting with contractors and assessing our leaking roof situation.  We (our Church Council) recommend repairing (not replacing) the roof at this time.  The work can begin 2-4 weeks from when we sign the contract.  This repair is estimated to give us another 5-8 years life with the current roof, giving us time to make longer term plans later.  In order to move forward, our constitution requires a congregational vote for any expenditure over 5% of our annual budget.  Please stay after our 9am worship service on Sunday, August 11th for a brief congregational meeting to approve this project.  Thank you for your participation in the life of this congregation, working with us to be good stewards of this building where we gather with one another for worship and fellowship!