Ongoing Events - Line up to Sign up!


    After the worship service, join us for coffee hour - food and fellowship - in Fellowship Hall!  

    Would you like to host a coffee hour?  Hosts prepare the beverages and bring snacks. Maybe you'd like to bake a batch of cookies, a tray of cupcakes, or a loaf of banana bread?  Or purchase and bring doughnuts or coffeecake?  Pick a date and sign-up on the sheet in Fellowship Hall!


    Sponsor the Altar Flowers in memory of a loved one, or to celebrate a special occasion!  The cost is $40.  Two charts are posted, so two people/families can sign up for the same date Flowers may be designated "in memory/honor of", birthday, anniversary, graduation, celebration, etc.  Write your information on the sign-up chart, and put a check for $40 in the offering plate with “flowers” marked on the envelope and memo line (or $40 in cash with your name and "flowers" on the envelope).  On your Sunday, take the beautiful arrangements home after worship service, or Pastor or the Visiting Deacons will share them with a home-bound member or a member in the hospital.

  •                Remember a loved one

    Would you like to purchase an engraved memorial brick for our Prayer Garden? The bricks are available in two sizes: 4" x 4" for $35.00, and 8" x 8" for $45.00. Please see the order form in the Fellowship Hall.

See our photo gallery below for some of the fun we've had in prior events!