Canoe Trip on the Delaware River

Join us on our annual church canoe trip down the Delaware River!  September 7th (raindate September 14th).  Sign up in Fellowship Hall or by calling the office.  Let us know if you'll be bringing your own boat or if you need to borrow one.  It's always a fun time, be a part of it!

Festival in the Borough - Volunteers Needed!

On Saturday Sept. 21st 10:00am – 10:00pm, we'll be at the Festival in the Borough in downtown Washington.  If you'd like to take a turn welcoming people and sharing what God is doing here among us, please sign up in Fellowship Hall for a timeslot (or call the church office)!

Sunday School Kick-Off!

Adult Education and Children's Sunday School

starts on September 22nd!

Ongoing Events - Line up to Sign up!


    After the worship service, join us for coffee hour - food and fellowship - in Fellowship Hall!  

    Would you like to host a coffee hour?  Hosts prepare the beverages and bring snacks. Maybe you'd like to bake a batch of cookies, a tray of cupcakes, or a loaf of banana bread?  Or purchase and bring doughnuts or coffeecake?  Pick a date and sign-up on the sheet in Fellowship Hall!


    Sponsor the Altar Flowers in memory of a loved one, or to celebrate a special occasion!  The cost is $40.  Two charts are posted, so two people/families can sign up for the same date Flowers may be designated "in memory/honor of", birthday, anniversary, graduation, celebration, etc.  Write your information on the sign-up chart, and put a check for $40 in the offering plate with “flowers” marked on the envelope and memo line (or $40 in cash with your name and "flowers" on the envelope).  On your Sunday, take the beautiful arrangements home after worship service, or Pastor or the Visiting Deacons will share them with a home-bound member or a member in the hospital.

See our photo gallery below for some of the fun we've had in prior events!