Our Faith in Action

We are a caring and generous congregation who believe we are called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people in our community, in our country and around the world.  We care deeply about all people and all of God's creation, the future of our nation and the world, and our duty to care for "the last, the least and the lost".  In response to God’s love, this congregation is service-oriented and devoted: - community outreach to meet human needs - care for the sick and the aged - to be advocates for peace, reconciliation, dignity, justice and equity for all people - to care for the marginalized - to embrace and welcome racially and ethnically diverse people - to providing the hungry with physical and spiritual nourishment – to restoring homes and hearts for those in need – to distributing supplies to local families and children – to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed and truth, to love our neighbors as ourselves.   Our current projects, and opportunities to participate are below:

Food Pantry Collections

Every month, we focus on items the local Food Pantry needs.  Every month, ALL donations are appreciated, and make a difference in people's lives in our community!  THANK YOU!

March collection: cans of tuna fish

Thank you for your donations!

February - we collected 152 cans of soup!


We have often announced the availability of buying ShopRite gift cards through Linda Zimmer, our Treasurer.  But do you know why we offer them?

When you buy a ShopRite gift card, from us for $25.00, we receive a discount.  We put the money earned toward supporting our local food pantry with food purchases or gift cards so the directors of the food pantry can purchase items most needed.

Other Ways We Regularly Respond to Human Needs Include:

  • Providing backpacks and school supplies to help local youth in need to be prepared for the new school year
  • Partnering with Habitat for Humanity to improve the living conditions of the elderly, low-income and disabled persons in our community
  • Participation in the "Hope in the Hills of Warren" community project to voluntarily repair homes for needy recipients
  • Annual Christmas Day Dinner serving free meals to the community for takeout and delivery
  • Jesse Tree collection and distribution of gifts for local families at Christmas
  • Making Christmas cards for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to share with children in detention centers
  • Christmas caroling at a local nursing home to spread cheer and brighten up the residents' holidays
  • Warm Feet/Warm Heart collection of socks, gloves and hats for the homeless
  • Ongoing collections of food & personal/cleaning items, as well as volunteer support, for the Washington food pantry, e.g. St. Luke's annual "Souper" Bowl Sunday's "Souper Bowl of Caring" food drive.  
  • Collection of monies sent to ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran World Relief and ELCA Disaster Response
  • Support for Family Promise to help achieve sustainable independence for homeless & low income families/individuals
  • Gift cards for local domestic abuse survivors
  • Collection of donations for the RIP Medical Debt charity to help relieve the heavy burden of medical debt in America